How to Run UBC-TM: 1. Import UBC-TMCode Directory 2. In parent directory of UBC-TMCode, enter $ ABSOLUTE_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" This determines the path to the parent directory containing UBC-TM 3. Determine path to magma and set path to $MAGMA by entering $ MAGMA="path-to-magma" 4. Determine path to GNU-parallel and set path to $GNU by entering $ GNU="path-to-GNU-parallel" 5. Change current working directory to UBC-TMCode by entering $ cd $ABSOLUTE_PATH/UBC-TMCode 6. To Run UBC-TMCode in Parallel on Multiple Cores when N is known i. To generate the individual jobs (ie. forms) to be assessed, in a terminal window, enter $ N= < conductor > ii. In the folder RunningTM, import relevant forms into a file named $N'Forms.txt' ii. In a terminal window, enter $ source $ABSOLUTE_PATH/UBC-TMCode/RunningTM/ $ RunTM_GivenConductor $N $ABSOLUTE_PATH $ nohup find $ABSOLUTE_PATH/UBC-TMCode/RunningTM/$N'RunningTM' -name '*.m' | $GNU -j5 --joblog $N'JobLog' $MAGMA {} & This code runs UBC_TM_GivenDiscriminant.m on each Thue-Mahler form corresponding to conductor N, as listed in $ABSOLUTE_PATH/UBC-TMCode/$N'Forms.txt' and outputs the results into individual text files in the directory $N'RunningTM'/$N'Soln' 7. To Run UBC-TMCode in Parallel on Multiple Cores when the set of primes p is known i. To generate the individual jobs (ie. forms) to be assessed, in a terminal window, enter $ p=[ < set of primes > ] ii. Import relevant forms into a file named $p'Forms.txt' ii. In a terminal window, enter $ source $ABSOLUTE_PATH/UBC-TMCode/RunningTM/ $ RunTM_GivenPrimes $p $ABSOLUTE_PATH $ nohup find $ABSOLUTE_PATH/UBC-TMCode/RunningTM/$p'RunningTM' -name '*.m' | $GNU -j5 --joblog $p'JobLog' $MAGMA {} & This code runs UBC_TM_GivenDiscriminant.m on each Thue-Mahler form corresponding to the primes p, as listed in $ABSOLUTE_PATH/UBC-TMCode/$p'Forms.txt' and outputs the results into individual text files in the directory $p'RunningTM'/$p'Soln'